A company switched from assembly lines to self-managed work teams.
What can team members do to improve the synergy and success of their teams?
Choose 1 answer
A company decided to change their work organization from individuals working independently to production teams. However, they decided to continue their same approach to performance evaluation and salary adjustment, which had worked well since the performance evaluation process had been improved. After a year's experience with the new team structure, it was obvious that productivity had decreased. A consultant's conclusion was that the approach to performance appraisal and assigning rewards was a cause of the teams' failure to perform.
Which approaches to performance evaluation and granting rewards would have been more effective in this situation?
Select one.
How might a charismatic leader work to increase performance in an organization?
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An employee enjoys having a large span of responsibility and is motivated to do well because of
personal feelings.
Which kind of reward is this?
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Management is considering a massive reorganization in one plant and plans to organize the 250 employees currently working on the assembly line into teams. Management is seeking increases in productivity and manufacturing output.
Which type of teams should they create?
Select one.
Employees A and B work together on the same project team. When the team faces a complex
problem, the team leader usually asks B to generate alternative solutions for the team to consider.
Experience has shown that B is more likely to take initiative, to set ambitious goals, and to feel that
the team can effectively influence its environment. Employee A tends to do well on jobs that are
routine, is plagued with self doubt, and feels that the team is largely powerless over its environment.
Which statement is correct?
A team is struggling to become productive but cannot decide who should do what.
How should the team leader attempt to resolve the problem?
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Management has noticed that the quality improvement work group is struggling because members seem to be working in different directions.
Which suggested action can the company take to increase group cohesiveness?
Select one.
Which characteristic is unique to virtual teams as compared with face-to-face teams?
Select one.
Which term describes the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually?
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What defines acceptable standards of behavior that are shared by group members?
Select one.
Which theory of motivation focuses on 5 levels of needs, and further separates those needs by
lower-order needs and higher-order needs?
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What type of team is formed when employees from about the same hierarchical level but from different work areas come together to accomplish a task?
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Which conflict-resolution techniques might a manager use to control the level of conflict that has become dysfunctional?
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Three employees meet face-to-face to identify a problem and resolve it through open discussion.
Which type of conflict resolution technique is this?
Select one.