To create an Android emulator that supports Google Play License services, which package is needed?
Which two permissions are required in your application to use License Verification Library?
Which of the following are the types of products can be sold through in-app billing technique? (Choose two)
Which two permissions are required in your application to use Google Analytics service?
Which one of these methods makes the ADT emulator a testing device? Note that “request” is an instance of class AdRequest.
Once you publish your application as a free application on Google Play, you cannot make it paid
Which of the following is the correct location of License Verification Library (LVL) in Android SDK?
Which of the following contains the tools necessary to build and sign a release version of an application?
Which of the following is NOT true about the products sold from inside the application?
What does the following code snippet do?
IabHelper.OnIabSetupFinishedListener() {
public void onIabSetupFinished(IabResult result)
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
} else {
Upon completion of a purchase using Google Play in-app billing, the result is returned to your activity. Which method you should override to handle the returned result?
Which of the following is NOT a valid reason for integration mobile analytics services into your Android application?
Which of the following is not required to be handled by a developer if Google Play’s in-app billing is used in an Android application?
Which of the following two classes in the License Verification Library are main classes used to communicate with the licensing server?
installation path for Google Play Billing Library?