You are matching a purchase order to a supplier invoice. There is a difference between the purchase order record and the amount of the invoice received from the supplier. Which one of the following tasks do you complete prior to recoding the invoice?
Which one of the following Financial Application Management (FAM) functions contains most of the workflow options for processing supplier invoices?
You need to review the standard cost calculation of acquired items. Which one of the following should you use?
Which one of the following is a reason that a cost account error may be generated?
You need to show all unpaid accounts receivable invoices, including credit invoices, per payer or customer and currency. Which one of the following statements should you create?
Which one of the following describes the relationship of the Financial Application Management (FAM) functions with the Accounts Payable workflow?
You need to create the rules for managing accounts payable at the division level and to have an automated workflow for authorizing, recoding, and approving supplier invoices for payment. Which one of the following programs would you use?
You want to regularly trigger an automatic check for invoice lines that are not completely matched and have their quantities automatically matched and approved. Which one of the following programs do you use to do this check?
You want to create account entries for goods receipt when exiting Purchase Order. Receive Goods (PPS300) so that general ledger is updated. Which one of the following Create Account Entries at Goods Receipt field alternatives must you select on CAS900 so this happens?
Which two of the following Cost Accounting Errors exist in Internal Cost Accounting? (Choose two.)
You need to define transport cost from warehouse B to warehouse C, because it requires a different delivery method than used when transporting the same item from warehouse A. Which one of the following programs do you use to distinguish distribution costs depending on optional factors?
Which two of the following rules are primarily used for processing customer invoices and credit notes? (Choose two.)
Which one of the following programs do you typically use to select one costing model for purchase costing and one for distribution costing for each combination of item and facility?
Which one of the following describes a payment type when there is no invoice to match against the payment?
You are creating a supplier bank account. Which one of the following types of bank account do you need to create that?
Which one of the following programs allows you to manually enter supplier invoices for payment?