Which channel feature allows organizations to run different versions of Hyperledger Fabric on their peer nodes?
In Raft, there are two places for configuration. One is local configuration. What is the other?
Which concept of the RAFT ordering service relates to the ingestion of new log entries; their replication to other ordering nodes; and managing when an entry is considered committed?
In Hyperledger Fabric, what is used if end users of the application want to keep their private key secret?
In Hyperledger Fabric, what is used if end users of the application want to keep their private key secret?
What is the advantage of using state-based endorsement policy over a chaincode or collection level endorsement policy?
In Hyperledger Fabric, what data structures manage sensitive information between organizations?
How would a developer iteratively test and develop a smart contract without the overhead of the smart contract lifecycle process for every update?
When deploying an Orderer environment, variables must be customized or overridden in which artifact?
What are the standard possibilities to configure parameters of a component (peer, orderer) in Hyperledger Fabric?
Which actions are combined into a single function by the Fabric Gateway client APIs to support transaction submission with a single line of code?
For an endorsed transaction, the gateway service forwards the transaction to the ordering service, which orders it with other endorsed transactions and then completes what?
Which are the transaction steps that are managed by the Fabric gateway service?