Which of the following statements are true regarding the use of GitHub Actions on a GitHub Enterprise Server instance? (Choose three.)
Which syntax correctly accesses a job output (output1) of an upstream job (job1) from a dependent job within a workflow?
You need to create new workflows to deploy to an unfamiliar cloud provider. What is the fastest and safest way to begin?
Which scopes are available to define custom environment variables within a workflow file? (Choose three.)
Which action type should be used to bundle a series of run steps into a reusable custom action?
As a developer, you are designing a workflow and need to communicate with the runner machine to set environment variables, output values used by other actions, add debug messages to the output logs, and other tasks. Which of the following options should you use?
Which of the following commands will set the $FOO environment variable within a script, so that it may be used in subsequent workflow job steps?
What is the right method to ensure users approve a workflow before the next step proceeds?
Which of the following scenarios requires a developer to explicitly use the GITHUB_TOKEN or github.token secret within a workflow? (Choose two.)
Your organization needs to simplify reusing and maintaining automation in your GitHub Enterprise Cloud. Which components can be directly reused across all repositories in an organization? (Choose three.)
As a developer, which workflow steps should you perform to publish an image to the GitHub Container Registry? (Choose three.)
As a developer, you need to make sure that only actions from trusted sources are available for use in your GitHub Enterprise Cloud organization. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)
As a developer, your Actions workflow often reuses the same outputs or downloaded dependencies from one run to another. To cache dependencies for a job, you are using the GitHub cache action. Which input parameters are required for this action? (Choose two.)
As a developer, you need to integrate a GitHub Actions workflow with a third-party code quality provider that uses the Checks API. How should you trigger a follow-up workflow?
Which of the following is the best way for an enterprise to prevent certain marketplace actions from running?
When creating and managing custom actions in an enterprise setting, which of the following is considered a best practice?
As a developer, you need to use GitHub Actions to deploy a microservice that requires runtime access to a secure token. This token is used by a variety of other microservices managed by different teams in different repos. To minimize management overhead and ensure the token is secure, which mechanisms should you use to store and access the token? (Choose two.)