You observed that the number of spilled records from Map tasks far exceeds the number of map output records. Your child heap size is 1GB and your io.sort.mb value is set to 1000MB. How would you tune your io.sort.mb value to achieve maximum memory to disk I/O ratio?
Your cluster is running MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. Your ResourceManager is configured to use the FairScheduler. Now you want to configure your scheduler such that a new user on the cluster can submit jobs into their own queue application submission. Which configuration should you set?
In CDH4 and later, which file contains a serialized form of all the directory and files inodes in the filesystem, giving the NameNode a persistent checkpoint of the filesystem metadata?
A slave node in your cluster has 4 TB hard drives installed (4 x 2TB). The DataNode is configured to store HDFS blocks on all disks. You set the value of the dfs.datanode.du.reserved parameter to 100 GB. How does this alter HDFS block storage?
Your company stores user profile records in an OLTP databases. You want to join these records with web server logs you have already ingested into the Hadoop file system. What is the best way to obtain and ingest these user records?
What two processes must you do if you are running a Hadoop cluster with a single NameNode and six DataNodes, and you want to change a configuration parameter so that it affects all six DataNodes. (Choose two)
On a cluster running MapReduce v2 (MRv2) on YARN, a MapReduce job is given a directory of 10 plain text files as its input directory. Each file is made up of 3 HDFS blocks. How many Mappers will run?
You are running a Hadoop cluster with a NameNode on host mynamenode. What are two ways to determine available HDFS space in your cluster?
Which YARN daemon or service negotiations map and reduce Containers from the Scheduler, tracking their status and monitoring progress?
You are migrating a cluster from MApReduce version 1 (MRv1) to MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. You want to maintain your MRv1 TaskTracker slot capacities when you migrate. What should you do/
You’re upgrading a Hadoop cluster from HDFS and MapReduce version 1 (MRv1) to one running HDFS and MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. You want to set and enforce version 1 (MRv1) to one running HDFS and MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. You want to set and enforce a block size of 128MB for all new files written to the cluster after upgrade. What should you do?
You are planning a Hadoop cluster and considering implementing 10 Gigabit Ethernet as the network fabric. Which workloads benefit the most from faster network fabric?
You have recently converted your Hadoop cluster from a MapReduce 1 (MRv1) architecture to MapReduce 2 (MRv2) on YARN architecture. Your developers are accustomed to specifying map and reduce tasks (resource allocation) tasks when they run jobs: A developer wants to know how specify to reduce tasks when a specific job runs. Which method should you tell that developers to implement?