Use the kubesec docker images to scan the given YAML manifest, edit and apply the advised changes, and passed with a score of 4 points.
Hint: docker run -i kubesec/kubesec:512c5e0 scan /dev/stdin < kubesec-test.yaml
Given an existing Pod named nginx-pod running in the namespace test-system, fetch the service-account-name used and put the content in /candidate/KSC00124.txt
Create a new Role named dev-test-role in the namespace test-system, which can perform update operations, on resources of type namespaces.
Create a new RoleBinding named dev-test-role-binding, which binds the newly created Role to the Pod's ServiceAccount ( found in the Nginx pod running in namespace test-system).
Cluster: dev
Master node: master1
Worker node: worker1
You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command:
[desk@cli] $ kubectl config use-context dev
Retrieve the content of the existing secret named adam in the safe namespace.
Store the username field in a file names /home/cert-masters/username.txt, and the password field in a file named /home/cert-masters/password.txt.
1. You must create both files; they don't exist yet.
2. Do not use/modify the created files in the following steps, create new temporary files if needed.
Create a new secret names newsecret in the safe namespace, with the following content:
Username: dbadmin
Password: moresecurepas
Finally, create a new Pod that has access to the secret newsecret via a volume:
A default-deny NetworkPolicy avoids to accidentally expose a Pod in a namespace that doesn't have any other NetworkPolicy defined.
Create a new default-deny NetworkPolicy named defaultdeny in the namespace testing for all traffic of type Egress.
The new NetworkPolicy must deny all Egress traffic in the namespace testing.
Apply the newly created default-deny NetworkPolicy to all Pods running in namespace testing.
Enable audit logs in the cluster, To Do so, enable the log backend, and ensure that
Edit and extend the basic policy to log:
Create a NetworkPolicy named pod-access to restrict access to Pod users-service running in namespace dev-team.
Only allow the following Pods to connect to Pod users-service:
Pods in the namespace qa
Pods with label environment: testing, in any namespace
A PodSecurityPolicy shall prevent the creation of privileged Pods in a specific namespace.
Create a new PodSecurityPolicy named prevent-psp-policy,which prevents the creation of privileged Pods.
Create a new ClusterRole named restrict-access-role, which uses the newly created PodSecurityPolicy prevent-psp-policy.
Create a new ServiceAccount named psp-restrict-sa in the existing namespace staging.
Finally, create a new ClusterRoleBinding named restrict-access-bind, which binds the newly created ClusterRole restrict-access-role to the newly created ServiceAccount psp-restrict-sa.
Analyze and edit the given Dockerfile /home/candidate/KSSC00301/Docker file (based on the ubuntu:16.04 image), fixing two instructions present in the file that are prominent security/best-practice issues.
Analyze and edit the given manifest file /home/candidate/KSSC00301/deployment.yaml, fixing two fields present in the file that are prominent security/best-practice issues.
AppArmor is enabled on the cluster's worker node. An AppArmor profile is prepared, but not enforced yet.
On the cluster's worker node, enforce the prepared AppArmor profile located at /etc/apparmor.d/nginx_apparmor.
Edit the prepared manifest file located at /home/candidate/KSSH00401/nginx-pod.yaml to apply the AppArmor profile.
Finally, apply the manifest file and create the Pod specified in it.
a. Retrieve the content of the existing secret named default-token-xxxxx in the testing namespace.
Store the value of the token in the token.txt
b. Create a new secret named test-db-secret in the DB namespace with the following content:
username: mysql
password: password@123
Create the Pod name test-db-pod of image nginx in the namespace db that can access test-db-secret via a volume at path /etc/mysql-credentials
Cluster: qa-cluster
Master node: master Worker node: worker1
You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command:
[desk@cli] $ kubectl config use-context qa-cluster
Create a NetworkPolicy named restricted-policy to restrict access to Pod product running in namespace dev.
Only allow the following Pods to connect to Pod products-service:
1. Pods in the namespace qa
2. Pods with label environment: stage, in any namespace