Answer the following question about scoping the proposal and preparing the Strategic Outline
Case (SOC) for the Pittville project.
Column 1 is a list of information gathered about the Pittville project. For each entry in Column 1, select
from Column 2 the option that best describes it. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more
than once or not at all.
Service Solution 1: 'Do minimum - introduce learning network to
existing schools and universities only'.
Which 2 statements are correct about this entry in the Options
Answer the following question about spending objectives for the Pittville project.
The following questions include only true statements about the Pittville project, but only 1 statement is an appropriately defined
SMART spending objective for the stated outcome.
Which is an appropriately defined SMART spending objective for increased 16-18 year-old learners participation?
The benefits realization strategy states that the following:
1. Benefits will be entered in the benefits register
2. Only cash-releasing benefits will be tracked in the benefits register.
Which 2 statements apply to these entries?
It is estimated that 60% of the taxation costs on the development will NOT be reclaimable.
Should the unclaimable taxation costs be excluded from the Financial Appraisal?
Service Solution 3: 'New learning campus on Old Fire Station Headquarters site, close Pittville High
School and transfer all further education units in the Pittville area'.
Based on information available so far, which 2 critical success factors does this option deliver against?
The Local Education Authority Director has agreed to be the Senior Responsible Owner. Therefore, they are ultimately responsible
for the realization of benefits resulting from the Pittville project.
Should the responsibilities for the benefits realization arrangements be documented in the Economic Case?
The Economic Case in the FBC has been completed and the Senior Responsible Owner, has asked that assurance of the
investment decision be held for the project before the benefits realization plans are produced.
Should assurance of the investment decision be held at this point?
The best and final offers have been returned for the delivery of the new campus. The preferredsupplier was Piaffeco, which was
the same supplier that delivered the neighbouring Marshgate High School.
Should Economic Appraisals be prepared for the best and final offers for the discarded service providers on the short list?
The Central Government funding programme for the redevelopment of schools has been put on hold. A Review Board will decide
which programmes to continue. This funding programme covers 20% of the Pittville project costs. It is considered very likely that
the Western Area Learning Programme will be high priority due to the forecast enhanced provision of education courses for 16-18
year olds.
Should the funding profile in the Economic Case be updated?
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Benefits, risks, dependencies and constraints heading?
Answer the following question about the content of the Outline Business Case (OBC). The OBC
is based on the following preferred way forward:
Column 1 is a list of true statements from the Economic Case in the OBC. Column 2 is a selection of
some of the Business Case headings. For each statement in Column 1, select from Column 2 the
Business Case heading under which the statement should be recorded. Each selection from Column 2
can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about the critical success factors (CSFs) for the option to build a
campus on the Old Fire Station Headquarters site, with all courses for 16 - 18-year-olds provided by Pittville University.
Remember to select 2 answers to each question.
Which 2 attributes demonstrate that this option supports the key CSF Strategic fit and business needs?
Which 2 observations correctly evaluate the affordability of the Pittville project?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about roles and responsibilities on the Pittville project.
Which action should be completed by the sponsor for the Western Area Learning Improvements Programme?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about the Commercial Case for the Pittville project.
The following questions include only true statements about the project, but only two statements are appropriate entries for the
suggested heading of the Commercial Case.
Remember to select 2 answers to each question.
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Required services heading?
Using the Scenario, answer the following questions about the Financial Appraisal of the option to build a new campus on
the site of the Old Fire Station Headquarters.
Decide whether the action taken represents an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for this project and select the response
that supports your decision.
The cost of the temporary accommodation on the site of the Old Fire Station Headquarters has been treated as a revenue cost within
the Financial Appraisal. This temporary accommodation is required as part of the construction of the new campus.
Is this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for the project?
Scoping Solution 2: '20% increase in rate of participation, 75-85 education courses, 15-20%
improvement in qualification success rate'.
Which 2 statements are correct about this entry in the Options Framework?
An extract of an entry in the benefits register includes the following information:
1. Benefit type: Cash-releasing
2. Description: A net overall saving in the cost of cleaning
3. Target improvement: Reduce overall costs of cleaning contracts by 10% per annum
4. Responsible officer: Pittville University Procurement Manager.
Which 2 statements apply to these entries?
Answer the following questions about 'Ensuring Successful Delivery' for the Pittville project.
The best and final offers have been returned for the delivery of the new campus. The preferred supplier was a
construction enterprise called Piaffeco.
Column 1 contains activities taken in the Pittville project. For each entry in Column 1, select from Column 2 the Action within the
Five Case Model that should undertake this activity. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Using the extract below from the Capital Profile for the new campus, answer the following questions.
(Note. The figures entered are correct).
Which 2 attributes demonstrate that this option supports the key CSF Potential value for money?
Using the Scenario and the information below, answer the following questions about the creation
of the short listed options for the Pittville project.
Spending Objectives
At least 15% increase in rate of participation
A 15% increase in attainment of qualification
At least 65 education courses
Critical Success Factors
Strategic fit and business needs - fit for purpose schools and universities attractive to 16-18-year-old
Potential Value For Money
Supply side capacity and capability
Potential affordability
Potential achievability
Remember to select 2 answers to each question.
Scoping Solution 1: 'Current level of participation, 55 education courses and current qualification
success rate'
Which 2 statements are correct about this entry in the Options Framework?