In OutSystems, a Web Block is a reusable UI component. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
How would you change the following Aggregate ( to return the number of orders per priority?
When a Form is submitted, what are the built-in validations that Outsystems performs?
Which event is only available in Screen Aggregates and Data Actions and acts upon data fetched from the database or server.
Considering that Aggregates can have hidden columns, which of the following options is correct?
Considering that Michael is a user of the Orders application, with only the OrdersAdmin Role assigned to him, which of the following options is correct?
Consider a Web Screen with a Button that is associated to a Screen Action. An Ajax Refresh statement in that Screen Action allows to refresh part of that Web Screen, ...
When using a Popup_Editor, consider that you implement a Screen Action in the Popup Screen that requires Source Screen to be refreshed. How would you implement that Screen Action?
Considering the following Aggregate (, where the Orders are fetched with their reviewers (Employees), which of the following options is correct?
An instance of a Web Block is a widget and when refreshing it with an Ajax Refresh ...
If an attribute is named "TotalCount", OutSystems will automatically set its data type to ...
When you create a new Web Screen, it has a Header, Menu and Footer by default because...
Which of the following options is correct, when implementing pagination with Tables or Lists?
Considering the Initialize event of a Screen, which of the following would be the best use case for that event?
A Theme defines the look and feel of application Screens and you can directly apply it to ...
When data is sent to the server with the Submit method, OutSystems has built-in validations that validate ...
Mobile Apps have access to local storage and can be developed to work offline, online, or in both scenarios.
Which of the following mappings between OutSystems and the Database is NOT correct?
The On Click properties allow defining the behavior of Links and Buttons and ...
In OutSystems, it is possible to inspect the values of variables while debugging.
Ending a Screen Action with an End element or a Destination to the '(Current Screen)' yields the same result.
In which of the following situations is the On Parameters Changed Event triggered?
To design Screens with great UI patterns, OutSystems UI and Rich Widgets provide widgets that are available in the Service Studio toolbox
The value of a Site Property can be modified in Service Center to change the application behavior at runtime.
Consider that you want to change your application Header, with new fonts, colors and an icon. What is the best approach to accomplish that in Outsystems?
Which event is needed for very specific use cases such as removing Javascript listeners or to clean the DOM that was previously changed in the ready event?
Which of the following steps is necessary to create a 1-to-many relationship between a Master Entity A and a Detail Entity B?
In the following scenario, we are implementing the ColorsDropdown widget ( which will allow a user to select a color. What should be set in the Options Text property to make sure that the names of the colors appear in the dropdown?
Entities are created with a set of Entity Actions for CRUD operations, which ones?
Considering that we can add several filters to an Aggregate, which of the following options is false?
Consider the Action called Absolute ( which returns an absolute value (abs) of a number N passed as Input Parameter. When does the Action return 0 ?
Considering Aggregates and SQL Queries, which of the following statements is true?
Start -> If(Count < 3) True Count = Count + 1 , Result = Result + Count .
If end loop Result is value = ?
When consuming a REST service, what callback action should be used to customize a request sent to the external service?
The scope of Input Parameters and Local Variables is limited to the Screen where they are defined.
To replace data on a widget with automatic data replacement (Tables Records, List Records, Form, ...)
Which event is needed if we do some logic over the result such as checking if it is empty?
Some widgets can trigger Screen Actions with Ajax. That can be defined in a section in their properties that is called ...