For a Sprint, progress is monitored in a burn-up chart with bars.
What makes the bar become longer?
A Scrum team failed to meet the Sprint objectives. One of the key members of the team fell ill and was away for two days right at the beginning of the four week Sprint.
What is the most likely reason that the team did not meet the Sprint objectives?
Who is responsible for implementing the actions agreed upon by the team during a Retrospective?
The Product Owner is going on a three-week vacation. The team should be closing the current Sprint and starting a new Sprint at the end of the first week of the Product Owner's vacation.
What is the best way to continue the Scrum rituals in this situation?
An engineering organization is transforming their project management method to use Agile Scrum.
What is the best approach to the transformation?
How should 'done' be defined when multiple teams are working on a single product?
Which means of communication is the most preferable to clarify the interpretation of a requirement?
What is the usual length of the time box for the complete Sprint Planning meeting?
Agile planning happens at multiple levels including a daily plan, an sprint plan and a strategic plan.
What term best describes the multi-level planning?