If you install the Flutter SDK on your computer and configure it as a plug-in for Android Studio or another IDE software, Android Studio will be able to create Flutter apps.
The image in this question includes a part of Android Studio tools bar.
Which of the following choices is correct about the missing icon name (represented by question marks)?
Adding a Slider widget in a Flutter app interface should be used to select multiple values at the same
A plug-in is used to enter the date in your Flutter app interface instead of asking an app user to add it manually.
Which is of the choices below represents this definition?
Check the image in this question first, then assume that you added this Dart code in a Flutter app to create three radio buttons to your app interface. However; you got an error message. There is something that is still missing in this code.
What should you do to correct the error in this code?
This widget is used to wrap a Column, Row, Container, or other widgets. This widget adds a filling size around the child widget.
Which of the following term is this definition for?
Assume that you have a Flutter app and the code of main.dart file is as follows:
Check the images in this question and answer which of these images is the run output of this app?
As illustrated in the image in this question, to get the Text value: "Welcome" in this app interface, you may configure the Text widget as a child widget of the Container widget in the following code:
But, you should replace the XXXXXXXXX with one of the following choices. Which of the following is the best answer ?
When you build a Flutter app, you can use an Android or an IPhone emulator to test your app UI (user interface ) and its work flow. But you can NOT test this app on a real Android or IPhone device before publishing your app on Apple or Google store.
After you create a Flutter app, you need to configure an app icon for your app.
The question is:
If you configure an app icon to your Android code of this Flutter app, the icon of your iOS code for the same Flutter app will be added automatically.
The following code is used to add a floating action button to a Flutter app interface.
Which of the following function or method can be used to add an action to this button if the app user tapsthis button?