ACR EE (Container Registry Enterprise Edition) has P2P distribution support.
Score 2
What are the scenarios in managing multiple K8s Cluster in Hybrid & Multi Cloud Environment?
What is the benefit of microservices architecture? (The number of correct answer: 4)
If replicas in Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster are configured and nodes in one zone fail, the nodes in the remaining zones can still provide services without interruption.
Which of the following options are correct, regarding Alibaba Cloud cloud-native security?
(Number of correct answers: 5)
Score 2
When we use beats to collect Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes data, to what level should we deploy it?
Which of the following applications we could use Alibaba Cloud ElasticSearch to monitor and analysis? (The number of correct answer: 4)
Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) can register Kubernetes clusters
running on-premise or on other cloud platforms.
Score 2
What is the main purpose of monolith architecture to make all modules become centralize?
Applications can be simply auto scaled in seconds. Scaleing up 500 nodes takes 2.5 minutes in standard mode, takes 90 seconds in swift mode, and takes 30 seconds on ECI.
Which of the following is correct regarding Alibaba Serverless Kubernetes (ASK)
Score 2
Which services can also be used to register a cluster? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
To deploy Istio on ACK, the version of the Kubernetes cluster is VI .10.4 or later.
Which of the following are correct ways to generate a Log Service ingress dashboard?
(Number of correct answers: 2)
Score 2
Which of the following statements are correct about Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)?
(Number of correct answers: 3)
Which function is supported in Cloud-Native Application Supply Chain? (Number of
correct answers: 4)
Score 2
Which of the following options are correct regarding the distributed data cache of Alibaba
Cloud's Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)? (Number of correct answers: 5)
Score 2
Which services can also be used for register cluster? (The number of correct answer: 3)
Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch allows you to deploy an Elasticsearch cluster across zones. In cross-zone deployment, the system automatically selects the zones that have sufficient ECS instances.
Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) supports GPU resource autoscaling.
Score 2
Which of the following options are correct, regarding global distribution? (Number of correct
answers: 3)
Score 2
About the flow to design microservices architecture for Agile Development, which one is the correct answer?
What kind of data we could collect to Alibaba Cloud ElasticSearch for monitoring App on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes?
Which of the following statements are correct, regarding ACR EE (Container Registry Enterprise
Edition)'s security? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Which of the following options are correct with respect to supported external metrics ? (Number
of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
ACR EE (Container Registry Enterprise Edition) has P2P distribution support.
Score 2
GPU can be shared with multi-container on ACK to increase resource utilization.
How does Alibaba Cloud accelerate AI/ML on Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes
(ACK)? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Which of the following statements are correct regarding image distribution in ACR EE
(Container Registry Enterprise Edition)? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Score 2
Can Istio (service mesh) achieve application traffic management which is running on multi-cluster even in different regions?