In a faceted search page, facets can be displayed as different UI types. Which two facet item types are supported in the faceted search region?
Which is a valid method of logging messages to the execution log in APEX automation?
You can apply an authorization scheme for which three of the following components?
Which two actions enable "hide and show" behavior of a data series in a bar chart when its
corresponding legend item is clicked?
In your application, you want to include a master aetall containing two pages
based on two related tables or views. The first page contains an interactive
report for the master table. The second page features a standard form for the
master and interactive grids for the detail. Which master detail form will you
Which authentication scheme type supports authentication with social networks and enterprise
identity providers that support OpenID Connect or OAuth2 standards?
You must reference certain data from a dragged event under the Drag and Drop PL/SQL Code
attribute of the Calendar component.
Examine this list:
1. The ID
How can these be referenced?
You have defined a REST Data Source with ORDS as the REST Data Source Type. This REST Data Source is based on an AutoREST-enabled EMP table on a remote Oracle Database. This REST Data Source is beingused as source for an editable interactive grid. When a user updates an employee record in this interactive grid, which operation (HTTP Method) defined in the REST Data Source is utilized to update a record in the EMP table on the remote Oracle Database?
An Employees App includes a form to enter and update employee details.
Examine this Exhibit.
Now you must extend the functionality of this form so that:
• If you select 'SALESMAN' from the select list for Job page item (P2_JOB), both the 'Hire date'
(P2_HIREDATE) and 'Commission' (P2_COMM) page items and their associated labels are displayed
• If you select any other value from the select list for Job page item (P2_JOB), both the 'Hire date'
(P2_HIREDATE) and 'Commission' (P2_COMM) page items and their associated labels are hidden
Which two steps must be performed?
When a table or a SQL query returns many rows, an Interactive Grid is best displayed to the user
with pagination. The two types of pagination available are:
To highlight certain rows in the interactive report based on a condition, you must:
You created a custom theme for an application. Examine these requirements: 1. The theme must be utilized by another application in the same workspace. 2. The master theme may still require changes. Which solution guarantees that any changes to the master theme are reflected in the copied theme?
When a button is pressed, an overlay window is positioned within the viewport. What kind ofpage mode is it?
You must create a single master detail page where users can select a row in the master grid to update the detail grids.
Users must also interact with the master or the detail without leaving the page.
Which type of master detail implementation should you use?
What are Task definitions that exist on the application level inthe Shared Components section made up of?
Choose from the following the different kinds of page components you can create in APEX.
Examine this code entered in Quick SQL:
name vc255
salary num
commission yn/check TRUE, FALSE
Which statement is true about the commission yn column?
When you create an Access Control Page, which three of the following Access Roles get created?
When you create a Dynamic Action, you specify the event that causes the dynamic action to fire.
Choose the categories these events are classified into.
Generally, clicking on the hamburger menu in the upper-left corner of an APEX application
displays a list of pages. What is this navigation called?
Which two of the following types can an end user save the customized Interactive report as?
Consider a customers report. A customer name is clicked in the report to display the Customer
Details form. When the items in the form dialog are updated and the user clicks Apply Changes, the
page process is executed and the items from the page are used to update and commit the underlying
table in the Oracle Database. What are the two types of events that occurred in this scenario?
Which two are prerequisites to use the REST-enabled SQL feature in Oracle APEX?